Ceps.rs - Informisanje i edukacija potrošača Srbije

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At the initiative of the Centre for Education and Consumer Protection Belgrade, together with the Centre for Education and Consumer Protection Alibunar and the Center for Consumers Protection Inđija, 16.10.2008. in Belgrade was held the Constituent Assembly which decided to establish of consumer associations under the name Consumer Center of Serbia - CEPS.

Ministry of State Administration and Local Government on the basis of the documents submitted  05.12.2008. has brought up the decision on entry of CEPS in the Register of Associations as an alliance of citizens associations.

CEPS is managed by the Assembly, which has a president and two vice-presidents. For the president of CEPS  Vera Vida is selected from the Centre for Education and Consumer Protection Belgrade, and for deputy is elected Slavica Rodic from the Center for Consumers Protection Inđija and Mihaly Farkas from the Center for Consumers Protection Senta.

CEPS is an network of citizens associations for the consumer protection,  acting in the Republic of Serbia, which in its work program aims to assist members of the organization in achieving the protection of their rights they have support for the harmonization of Serbian legislation with the highest standards of consumer protection in the developed democracies as well as compliance with the standards of the European Union.

The work of CEPS is transparent. The transparency of CEPS is ensured by  timely and truthful informing the organizations that are part of the CEPS network and the general public through the media. In order to achieve complete transparency, CEPS can publish it’s own magazine in accordance with the regulations on public information.


Ceps.rs - Informisanje i edukacija potrošača Srbije, kao i želja da se kroz zaštitu prava potrošača od pasivnog konzumera stvori aktivni potrošač svestan svojih prava.

Adresa sajta www.ceps.rs


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Prava potrošača

1. PRAVO NA ZADOVOLJENJE OSNOVNIH POTREBA Pravo na zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba podrazumeva dostupnost najnužnijih proizvoda i usluga: hrane, odeće i obuće, stambenog prostora, zdravstvene zaštite, obrazovanja i higijene.

Pravo na sigurnost podrazumeva zaštitu od proizvoda, proizvodnih procesa i usluga štetnih po život i zdravlje.

Pravo na informisanost podrazumeva raspolaganje činjenicama od značaja za pravilan izbor i zaštitu od nepoštene reklame, ili od oznaka na proizvodima koji mogu da dovedu u zabludu.

Pravo na izbor podrazumeva mogućnost izbora između više proizvoda i usluga, po pristupačnim cenama i uz garantovano dobar kvalitet.

5. PRAVO DA SE ČUJE GLAS POTROŠAČA Pravo na zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba podrazumeva dostupnost najnužnijih proizvoda i usluga: hrane, odeće i obuće, stambenog prostora, zdravstvene zaštite, obrazovanja i higijene.

Pravo na obeštećenje podrazumeva dobijanje pravedne naknade za lažno prikazivanje svojstava proizvoda i usluga, nekvalitetnu robu ili nezadovoljavajue usluge.

Pravo na obrazovanje podrazumeva sticanje znanja i sposobnosti potrebnih za pravilan i pouzdan izbor proizvoda i usluga, uz svest o odgovornostima i osnovnim pravima potrošača i načinima kako se ista mogu ostvarivati.

8. PRAVO NA ZDRAVU ŽIVOTNU SREDINU Pravo na zdravu životnu sredinu podrazumeva život i rad u okruženju koje ne predstavlja pretnju zdravlju sadašnjih i budućih pokolenja.

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